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N.º ADI #:ECO1000BREL12L modelo #: ECO1000BREL12L Nombre: Honeywell ECO1000BREL12L Detector Base with Latching Relay
Detector removal detection (2 wire system)
Descripción del producto
General Información
The ECO1000BREL12L (12V Latching) has been designed to provide interfacing between an ECO1000 detector and 12V FireSystems or Security Control Panels that require an external contact to activate an ancillary piece of equipment.The relay is controlled directly from the ECO1000 detector. Therefore, in an alarm condition both the detector andrelay base will latch into alarm, and can only be reset by removing the supply voltage from the detector. The base can be used with 4 wire Security Systems that have a reset facility
Características principales
Compatible con sistemas contra incendios y de seguridad
Detección de extracción del detector (sistema de 2 cables)
Categoría : Bases para Detectores, Detectores de Incendio y Gas, Fuego, Productos