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Allows to count persons in the scene and mask their movement
Descripción del producto
General Información
Discover the power of Axxonsoft AO-ENT-HBA-ADD, a cutting-edge analytics software designed to enhance your security systems. This product offers a specialized license for analyzing human behavior, enabling Axxon One to detect potentially hazardous situations effectively. Additionally, it features advanced capabilities to count individuals in a scene and anonymize their movements, ensuring privacy and safety. Upgrade your security setup with Axxonsoft and experience unparalleled peace of mind. Don't wait, secure your premises today!
Características principales
Licencia para análisis del comportamiento humano
Permite que Axxon One detecte situaciones peligrosas
Permite contar personas en la escena y enmascarar su movimiento
Categoría : Productos, Software, Software y licencias, Videovigilancia