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HID 1391LSSMN MicroProx 1391 Etiqueta Adhesiva de Proximidad de 125 kHz, Programada, Números Coincidentes, Logotipo, Gris

Brand: HID Global
N.º ADI #:1391LSSMN modelo #: 1391LSSMN  Nombre: HID 1391LSSMN MicroProx 1391 Proximity 125 kHz Adhesive Tag, Programmed, Matching Numbers, Logo, Gray
  • The size of a coin ( 1.285" / 3.264 cm), the Tag easily attaches to all nonmetallic materials and instantly becomes a proximity card.
  • The Tag can be programmed in any HID proximity format, and is compatible with all HID proximity card readers.
  • The Tag is RF-programmable for ease of encoding with HID's ProxProgrammer .
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