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N.º ADI #:Y3OIXPEXCL modelo #: Y3OIXPEXCL Nombre: Milestone Y3OIXPEXCL Three Years Opt-In Care Plus for XProtect Express Device License
3 Years Opt-in Care Plus for XProtect Express Device License
Instant access to recurring product updates that make your product safer and more efficient and powerful
Receive full trade-in value of 100% credit of original purchase when upgrading to a more advanced XProtect product
Descripción del producto
General Información
Discover the benefits of the Milestone Systems Y3OIXPEXCL, a three-year Opt-In Care Plus plan for your XProtect Express Device License. This plan ensures your product remains up-to-date with the latest safety, efficiency, and power enhancements through recurring updates. Additionally, enjoy the peace of mind with a full trade-in value, receiving 100% credit of your original purchase when upgrading to a more advanced XProtect product. Secure your investment today and keep your system at the forefront of technology!
Características principales
3 años de licencia de dispositivo Opt-in Care Plus para XProtect Express
Acceso instantáneo a actualizaciones recurrentes de productos que hacen que su producto sea más seguro, eficiente y potente.
Reciba el valor total de intercambio del 100% del crédito de la compra original al actualizar a un producto XProtect más avanzado
Categoría : Licencias de software, Productos, Software y licencias, Videovigilancia