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AVARRO WBXDPHDMI4 Adaptador Display Port DP 1.2 a HDMI 1.4

N.º ADI #:WBXDPHDMI4 modelo #: WBXDPHDMI4  Nombre: AVARRO WBXDPHDMI4 Display Port DP 1.2 to HDMI 1.4 Adapter
  • Support Display Port 1.1a/1.2 input, HDMI 1.3b/1.4b output and compatible with Thunderbolt input port
  • Support 3D HDMI supports audio output
  • Compatible with HDTV, Display, Monitor, Projector and the other peripherals with HDMI Interface


Longitud del Cable
23 m


Marcado CE
Compliant, Sí

Formato / Prestaciones

Ratio de Transferencia de Datos
10.8 Gbit/s


Plug y Play
Apple Noteooks:
  • Macbook
  • Macbook Air
Apple Desktop Computers:
  • Mac Mini
  • IMac
  • MacPro
Respetuoso del medio ambiente
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